Reflecting these days, and aware of being trapped and imprisoned by the SHI-AKU 四悪 (The four evils) on many occasions, especially when I do Shiai, I have processed this short video, of just a few seconds, where you can see all these defects in my kendo, luckily I aim for kendo for life, let's always be thankful when we are hit, let's reflect and learn from it.
Consequently, I have reread the fantastic speech made for the NHK by Kendo Hanshi Ichiro Yano Sensei in November 1964 and that come perfectly to illustrate and shed light on my reflections and thoughts.
...[Now, as for the ultimate aim of Kendo, it may be said that it cultivates power for observing the substances of any-thing. That refers to cultivating power or creating the mind for accurately observing the real substance or state of anything. It is more difficult than anything else to acquire power for accurately observing the reality of yourself, but this is the very final goal.
If a Kendo aspirant reaches this stage, there will be no ego or self-conceit in him. Now he will stand where he will be able to observe himself as fairly and correctly as other people. We may say that this is the very Mecca for all Kendo pilgrims. That is sometimes called MUGA NO KYOCHI 無我の境地 (No ego stage), or MEIKYO-SHISUI NO KYOCHI 明鏡止水の境地 (The stage at which the mind is as bright and clear as a stainless mirror or still wa-ter), or FUDO-SHIN 不動心 (The immovable mind). All these expressions refer to the identical state of mind. Those who have reached this stage are called TATSU-JIN 達人 (Accomplished men). They now stand where it is impossible for them to overlook or misjudge anything.
Since ancient times, we have had SHI-KAI 四戎(The four injunctions), or SHI-AKU 四悪 (The four evils) among the Kendo teachings; namely, KYO 驚 (Surprise), FU 怖 (Fear), GI 疑 (Doubt) and WAKU 惑 (Perplexity). The four evils or obstacles we are taught to fight against and conquer. We are also told that SHI-SHIN 私心 (Selfish-ness or sticking the mind to anything) should be guarded against as the mind is often checked by the will or sentiment. Self-conceited or greedy people are usually defeated and can never become TATSU-JIN 達人.
As they are beaten and beaten repeatedly, their self-conceit will fade, and they will gradually come to know how to look at themselves objectively until their egotism will fade and they will be able to approach their calm minds thoroughly polished like cloudless mirrors. That kind of mind alone will contain an infinite movement controlled by nothing.
That accounts for the existence of such an expression as SHU-SEI-DO 中静動 (Movement in tranquility) and also for the development of FUDO-SHIN 不動心(The immovable mind) never influenced by any outside power.
After all, the art of Kendo is supposed to create a calm, cloudless mind. In this point, ZEN 禅 (Zen Buddhism) and KENDO seek one and the same thing, because such an expression as KEN-ZEN-ITCHI 剣禅一致 (Kendo and Zen Buddhism agree) has existed since ancient times...]
About Kendo By Kendo Hanshi Ichiro Yano Sensei
1. The Art of Kendo
2. The Art of Earning a Living
3. The Art of Living
Broadcasted on RADIO by N.H.K (Japanese Broadcasting Corporation) on November 19, 20, 21, 1964
#Note 1; Heijoshin (n.): A disciplined state of mind which can respond to changes in a situation in a calm, normal manner, without becoming agitated.
– Japanese-English dictionary of kendo–
#Note2; Video
Italian Kendo Championships 2022 - 4 year of Reiwa
[White] Luca Benzoni (CUS Bergamo) M - Oruchan (KKC) [Red]
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